TrutherGirls T-Shirts:
The content of this video is not intended to be medical advice and is for information purposes only.

How I remineralized my teeth to get rid of tooth decay naturally instead of going to the dentist to get my teeth drilled and filled. If you are interested in this topic, please look into the work of Dr Weston A Price, the Weston A.Price foundation, and the work of Rami Nagel, author of ‘Cure Tooth Decay’


JU Dentists 2013 – Royals

If you can get humor and seriousness at the same time, you’ve created a special little thing, and that’s what I’m looking for, because if you get pompous, you lose everything.
A little bit of craziness from time to time won’t harm anyone ..

Leave a positive comment or keep it to yourself 🙂

For respecting and protecting intellectual property rights :
** Parts of the lyrics refer to MUSC ASDA **
And the rest refers to me O:)

Indian dentists

The methodos of being a “street dentist” in India!!! Take care during a travel over there if you have some troubles with painteeth!!!