Basics of Braces | Tooth Care

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Beautiful Teeth: The Basics about Braces
Hi, my name is Dr. Shane Methal, here at Greene Street Dental in SoHo, New York. I’ve been in private practice both in Maryland and consequently back in New York for the last 17 years. My office website is, that’s green with an “e” at the end, and today I’m going to be talking about teeth and dentistry.

Sometimes when we are younger and sometimes when we are older, our teeth can be crowded, misaligned, or shifting. If this is the case, this can cause other problems with your bite. If that’s true, it’s important to straighten your teeth out to maintain better overall hygiene and/or improve your aesthetics or your smile. As we get older, it is not uncommon for our teeth to crowd or recrowd, even if you’ve had orthodontics or braces earlier. As adults, several options are at your disposal. Clear tray braces can now be used, which are removable appliances—something you wear in and out—that can help move your teeth in as little as 6 to 9 months. More traditional braces or orthodontics require bonding a bracket to each and every tooth that needs to be moved or a band, and attaching a wire. Over the course of months to potentially years, this wire will continue to straighten your teeth and move them into the correct position. Ideally, the straighter your teeth are, the healthier you can maintain them.